Saturday, January 21, 2012

Squirrel Appreciation Day

It's true! I just heard on the radio that today, January 21,  is Squirrel Appreciation Day! I cannot believe it. Yesterday was pet paradise and today squirrels get recognition. What is up with all this nonsense? Are people really that far out in their minds? The report stated that this time of year squirrels are looking for food because they have depleted their supply and good folks should set out some nuts for the squirrel family.

When I was really little, my dad stood on the back porch and shot squirrels and he'd cook them for supper. Tasted just like southern fried chicken.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Boarding for Pets

I had a few pets when I was growing up at home but I haven't had a pet since. I had a huge chuckle when I read an article in a magazine advertising boarding for pets. I know the pet industry is big business and no matter how poor a person, if he has a pet he will go to any length to make sure his "best friend" is well cared for and has whatever he wishes.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Visit to Mount Airy, North Carolina

I am fortunate to live only a couple of hours away from the Blue Ridge Parkway. Last week my husband and I enjoyed a three day getaway to Pilot Mountain, NC, not too far from Winston Salem, NC and really close to our favorite spot - Mount Airy, NC. For all those Andy Griffith and Barney Fife fans of Mayberry - visiting this site was an added treat to our trip. We personally met Emmett Forrest, long time friend of Andy who is in trust with all his memorabilia. Mr. Forrest stopped by the museum in Mount Airy.