Monday, January 7, 2013

Grown Children

Now a mother of three grown children I am happy to report that all the ups and downs of parenting are well worth the wait of enjoying grown children!

If you are a parent of very young children, I know the day to day stress of caring, nurturing and take a toll on  you. Wiping the noses, waking up multiple times in the middle of the night and answering countless questions may seem unending. But as the saying goes - "they grow up fast! enjoy them while you can."

Those days have flown by. Now I enjoy my grown children even more. Seeing them walk through similar circumstances, forming their own opinions and following some family traditions are rewarding. Visiting with them in their homes, watching a movie or enjoying a dinner date are a few of my favorite times!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy 2013!!!

A new year begins and old traditions continue in my house with a meal of Collard Greens, Black-eye Peas, macaroni and cheese, deviled eggs, cranberry sauce and cornbread. My husband enjoys the broth (pot liquor) from the Collard Greens in a cup over crumbled corn bread.

I don't plan to set any New Year's resolutions because I am not able to keep them. I am a restless soul and wander from one thing to the next. So I will keep doing what I do best, love God with all my heart, love my husband always, love my children, grand-daughter and son-in-law and dream of ways to spoil them all, love my mother-in-law and other family members!