Saturday, July 30, 2011

Get Organized

I am an organizer by nature but some things get in the way of staying organized. There are many stores that offer storage items to help one get it all together. One such store is promoting it's Grand Opening in Charlotte, NC on August 13th,

I love to look at any type of storage unit, stacking unit, and compartment items. They are fun and showy. But I still don't get a strong urge to get organized with it. For one, the units require more space: counter, wall or floor space. I browsed the new catalog received by mail. There was something for everything. When my children were toddler's we bought the big plastic bins for storing and stacking all the toys: Lego's, plastic tableware, toy soldiers and kid's meal figures. Do you think they used those bins? Rarely!  Let's be real - what child, teen or adult really uses a shoe rack? Especially the kind that hangs on the back of the door? If you have little ones you do well if you end up in the house with a pair of shoes much less make it to the bedroom to place them in the neat shoe pockets.

So for those who are driven to "get organized" - you're to be commended!

Friday, July 29, 2011

What’s In a Name?

Proverbs 22:1

Choosing baby names is one of the most difficult tasks new parents face. Some are not able to agree on the name until moments before departing the hospital. There are numerous books available offering the name until moments before departing the hospital. There are numerous books available offering the origin and meaning along with the most popular names helping couples narrow their choices.

Naming a baby at birth in Biblical times was a weighty matter. A son was always preferred before a daughter. It was believed a son may turn out to be the long awaited Messiah. He would give a father distinction. A son would provide for his mother upon the death of his father. The name given to the child declared hope or reproach. Thus a daughters name often meant weakness or bitterness. A son’s name meant strength or God’s love.

When yet a second daughter was born to Joachim, his wife had prepared herself for his disappointment. Again, they believed God had not heard their prayers for a son. Fast forward, Joachim was the father of Mary, mother of Jesus. Mary’s name meant bitterness and suffering. Long before Mary’s birth God had planned her future. She married into the royal line of David, and bore Jesus, the long awaited Messiah.

Upon acceptance of the Messiah a new name is received that carries distinction – your new name reflects God’s never ending love and declares hope to those who speak it.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Authentic to the Core

One of my most favorite authors is Charles Swindoll. In his book Growing Strong in the Seasons of Life, he wrote: "The very best platform upon which we may build a case for Christianity at work rests on six massive pillars: integrity, faithfulness, punctuality, quality workmanship, a pleasant attitude, and enthusiasm."

I'm afraid that the platform is crumbling beneath many today. Think about it, how many people can check more than one of these six character traits off the list in their performance plan as being "exceeds expectations"?

In my youth I observed many people in my life who exhibited these traits. I esteemed them then and still reflect on the lessons I learned from their lives.

If you have someone you know who has these qualities - tell them thank you! We each need to recognize authentic Christian living!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Latch Key Kids

Defined by Wikipedia: "latchkey kid or latchkey child is a child who returns from school to an empty home because his or her parent or parents are away at work, or a child who is often left at home with little or no parental supervision."

In the late 1960's my brother and I were latchkey kids and didn't even know it. It was a period in time when many mothers still did not work. They stayed home with the kids and did the laundry, cooked the meals and did the shopping, etc. Our mom worked two jobs as a waitress; she was a single parent. I really don't remember having a key to the house either. When school was out for the summer we would leave the house after breakfast and go to our friends house to play or play outside all day till it got dark. It was too spooky to go home at night when mom wasn't there so we would invite ourselves to stay at a friends house so we could at least eat supper and then we would time our departure with the time mom would probably be home. Those were really fun days. Today children don't do the fun things we did back then. To be honest I don't believe I would have let my own children do the daring things we did back then. People sat on the front porch and kept an eye on the children; it was safe. It's a miracle we didn't turn out to be criminals or something weird!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Extended Family Relationships

I had a virtual conversation with a friend who shared his story about his favorite aunt who recently died. His memories aroused strong emotions about the times he had as a little boy while visiting in her home.

I told him how blessed he was to have those special memories! Memories of my aunts and uncles were when I was between five - twelve years old. As I grew older and our families moved apart; we lost touch. I can't recall ever attending family reunions.

I'll soon be a first time grandmother and it will be a great time to capture and create special memories. Not just for me but for our entire family!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Sew Sew

When I was in the ninth or tenth grade most schools taught home economics. I took one year of sewing. I did not own a sewing machine but I really thought it would be cool to make my own clothes. Big dreams for a young high school girl. We started out making small projects like an apron or long handled bag. For one of our projects we could pick out any thing we wanted to make from a pattern. Adventurous me decided to make a full length dress. Our church youth group was going to have a Valentine banquet in a few months and I had this big dream of making a dress. I bought a complicated pattern with a laced bodice and yards of fabric for a full length, empire waist skirt and long lace covered sleeves with fancy buttons. I just had to make that dress. Remember...I did not own a sewing machine and I certainly could not afford one. Every day we could work on our piece during class. The day was getting closer to the banquet and my dress was complicated and I needed more time to work on it. I thought of a neighbor that had a sewing machine. I asked her if I could work on my dress each afternoon after school. Looking back I can't imagine her doing that. She had a young family and I would be in a living room whirring away on the Singer sewing machine while her family were eating supper. Afternoons turned into late evenings and weekends with me working on that dress. I finished the dress just hours before the banquet. It was a little less than perfect. It was way too formal for this Valentine event but I was so proud of my accomplishment. That was my favorite project.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

USPS Retail Centers CLOSED

I missed the announcement that the postal service centers were closed for a long holiday to celebrate the 4th of July. The letter carrier was not off and mail was delivered but no one could ship packages or buy stamps this weekend. The retail centers in Charlotte closed at 2PM on Friday and will reopen on Tuesday morning. I was certainly annoyed. You won't see me waiting in the long line on Tuesday!