Saturday, April 6, 2013

Two Widows

For seven days and six nights, with my husband's blessing, I spent time with two widows in Williamsburg, VA. One of the widows is my 75 year old mother-in-law who lives with my husband and I and the other is her 80 year old friend. I will refer to them in this blog as N for my mother-in-law and T for her friend; the initials of their first name.

I have never been to Williamsburg, a very historical city. T owns a timeshare and has not been here in five years. Her children will not let her drive more than a ten mile radius from her own home due to health concerns. She shared with N that she would love to go to Williamsburg but could not drive. She wondered if N could go with her if they could find a friend who could drive. Well N suggested I might be able to go and would probably love to go but she would have to check with me and her son.

The trip was educational for all the things previously learned in elementary history, it was enlightening to hear these two ladies share of their own memories of their lives when they were young, married, raising children and holding jobs.

I would encourage more people to spend time with our elders for an enriching experience! 

Monday, January 7, 2013

Grown Children

Now a mother of three grown children I am happy to report that all the ups and downs of parenting are well worth the wait of enjoying grown children!

If you are a parent of very young children, I know the day to day stress of caring, nurturing and take a toll on  you. Wiping the noses, waking up multiple times in the middle of the night and answering countless questions may seem unending. But as the saying goes - "they grow up fast! enjoy them while you can."

Those days have flown by. Now I enjoy my grown children even more. Seeing them walk through similar circumstances, forming their own opinions and following some family traditions are rewarding. Visiting with them in their homes, watching a movie or enjoying a dinner date are a few of my favorite times!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy 2013!!!

A new year begins and old traditions continue in my house with a meal of Collard Greens, Black-eye Peas, macaroni and cheese, deviled eggs, cranberry sauce and cornbread. My husband enjoys the broth (pot liquor) from the Collard Greens in a cup over crumbled corn bread.

I don't plan to set any New Year's resolutions because I am not able to keep them. I am a restless soul and wander from one thing to the next. So I will keep doing what I do best, love God with all my heart, love my husband always, love my children, grand-daughter and son-in-law and dream of ways to spoil them all, love my mother-in-law and other family members!