Sunday, May 11, 2014

My Mom

Today is Mother's Day and I have been thinking about my mom today. She died September 12, 2003 at age 71 from cancer.

Coincidentally I am reading a book "Good To Great" by Jim Collins. The book is about some companies that improved their business strategy over the years. What caught my attention was the story about the company (a pharmacy) Walgreens.

My mother worked at Walgreens in the 1970's as a waitress. The restaurant had a small pharmacy on the other side of the wall. This business was located inside of a shopping mall in Huntsville, Alabama.

I did not know Walgreens was one of the great companies in the late seventies! My mom loved that company and had talked about how good they were doing. She loved waitressing too. She enjoyed people! She worked hard at that restaurant and raised three children alone on her salary. I didn't realize how poor we really were back then because mom was so optimistic.

I loved her and miss her. So glad she loved me too!

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