Tuesday, October 25, 2011

First Time Grandma

I am a first time grandma! Moriah was born on October 21st.

I have officially entered the next phase of life that is considered the most rewarding of all! I am looking forward to the journey.

My son-in-law's mother presented me with a wonderful little book titled "A Grandma Is a Gift from God", by Emilie Barnes - Harvest House Publishers. This book offered some thoughts from seasoned grandmothers on what being a Grandma meant to them. The stories shared offered many ideas I could begin to incorporate during times I am able to spend with little Moriah.

While reading this book I thought back on my own childhood that was void of strong grandparent relationships.  My mother's parents died in their fifties (before I was born). I do recall early childhood visits to my father's parent's home but after age 10 and my parent's divorce the contact with my father's parent's was lost. My paternal grandfather lived to age 98. I don't have any traditions to carry on from my side of the family but I do have quite a few examples I have observed from my husband's parent's. Moriah is blessed to have one great grandfather, two great grandmothers, one grandfather and two grandmothers still living to enjoy many experiences with for years to come. I will enjoy creating some special memories for us to share when we are together but most importantly I will pray earnestly for God's protection on her life and that she will be saved (come to know Christ) at an early age and long to serve Him with her whole heart.

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