Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Air Conditioning

I was thinking about the time in my youth when we did not have air conditioning. It was back in the day when my mom, brother and I lived in a trailer. Now they call trailers "mobile homes". Trailers back in the seventies did not have good construction and lacked adequate insulation. 

Summers were most unbearable and a fan offered no cooling, only warm air. I couldn't wait to go to school, work or church because it was a relief! It was hard to sleep too. About 2 AM the temperature would be a little more comfortable or I'd finally drift off to sleep; too tired to fight off the heat. Naturally the windows remained open all day but the noise in the neighborhood made it difficult to sleep well. The trailers were aligned on a lot rather close together and that made it easy to hear things like couples arguing; children crying, dogs barking, and cars squealing tires. I was most fearful of the shadows on my walls of people walking in street. Their image looked very large and my fear was heightened if the image did not move; because a group of people hanging around a street light and talk very loudly. They too had trouble sleeping without air conditioning.

I don't know how people live without air conditioning these days but there are many people that don't have it. I guess we just get used to it. 

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