Friday, August 26, 2011


I enjoy reading the Bible and find many lessons for life. Read Exodus 3:10-17.

Can you just imagine for a moment what the Egyptians in Moses’ day must have been saying when they heard rumors that Moses was going to tell Pharaoh, let my people go?  Moses was well known in the community but of all the people God could have used to deliver the Egyptians, He chose Moses. I believe that Moses had a teachable spirit. One side of his personality he was probably easy to get along with, pleasant and peace loving while the other side he lacked confidence in self, was pessimistic and fearful.

When an employer seeks a worker to fill a certain position, he may request the help of the personnel department to find someone qualified, and trained in a particular field. In our text we read that God does the opposite; He chooses the weak and foolish ones. An employer looks at the outer qualifications, but God looks at qualities within.

Moses and others broke the mold of natural born leaders. Are you willing to allow God to use you as a leader? What has He called you to do? Are you willing to have a teachable spirit and risk failure in order to do His will?

There is much to be done for the cause of Christ. Answer God’s call for you to serve Him today and be open to learn something new.

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