Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Some things in life render one speechless. We all go through "ups and downs" in life and sometimes we feel as if this roller coaster experience will never end. We want to get off or retreat to some corner and scream to the top of our lungs but no matter how hard we try our exhaustion from that experience has rendered us speechless. Either you are going into a rough place or coming out of one. No one is exempt. And it is really bad when you are trying to encourage a good friend but you just don't know what to say; you're speechless. Even when trying to pray for God to help the words won't come out. That's where I am right now.

I think God likes for us to be in just this position. It's here in that quiet place that He is FINALLY able to draw us near to Him so He alone can show His faithfulness in our circumstances.

So I must remind myself - HE IS FAITHFUL...who will not allow me to suffer more than I can take. 1 Corinthians 10:13

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