Friday, September 23, 2011

Hemmed In

For those who feel there is no way out of unpleasant circumstances 
Read: Exodus 13:17–22.

At last the children of Israel were leaving Egypt and by now it would seem that the way to the Promised Land would be clear of trouble. But this was not the case. Ten plagues are recorded in Exodus chapters seven through eleven.

The road through the Philistine country to the Promised Land would have been shorter but God knew they were not emotionally strong enough to face war with the country.  He led them through the dry, barren desert so they would be renewed in their minds and strengthened to begin life in the new land.

God could have led them miraculously to the Promised Land in a matter of seconds but He wanted to reveal His divine presence through this journey.

Are you completely hemmed in by a circumstance in your life? Does it appear there is no way out, around or through your problems?  Your way out is up. Follow the pillar, God’s divine presence, by day and by night.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

God! How Much More?

We all ask this question in our "private" world and many more may find themselves asking this question more often these days. The following is a note I journaled years ago.

In the summer of 1996 I spent two weeks with my mother during her recovery from radiation treatment for cancer. The recovery period can prove taxing for the patient as well as the caregiver. It seemed that nothing I did was comforting and the pain could not be lessened but I knew in my heart this was where I needed to be.

During week two of my stay my brother delivered shocking news; our youngest brother had been murdered. I couldn’t believe it. I asked God, “How much more? Wasn’t cancer enough for my mom and our family to endure?”

Not only was it a real test of faith but it was emotionally draining. Our youngest brother was our half brother and his dad, grandmother and relatives didn’t claim our family. We weren’t included in the funeral arrangements or the obituary. My mom wasn’t even recognized as his mother during the funeral; the most devastating thing one could bear. With God’s help we made it through. I don’t have any answers for why God allows tragedies in our lives but I can say with confidence from this and other experiences His grace is sufficient! 2 Corinthians 4:7-18.

What calamity are you experiencing today? No matter what calamity befalls, no matter what emergency arises, His presence is with the believer; helping, encouraging, strengthening, comforting, and giving wisdom. Assured of His grace, we are assured of His power and His rest.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

How Are We Doing?

This is an ever important question for businesses in any industry these days. How Are We Doing? Call us at 1-800-XXX-XXX.

Sometimes I'd like to be asked that question personally and know that the person who asked it really cares. The annoyances in life makes one ask another question - Does anyone care how I am doing?

Let's not abandon those in need - especially our friends and family by letting them really know how much we care in our own special way.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering September 11, 2001

It was Tuesday, September 11, 2001 - a beautiful Carolina blue sky day with crisp temperatures in Charlotte, North Carolina. It started out like a normal school / work week. My oldest daughter Carrie was a senior in high school, Paul was freshman in high school and Joseph was in the fourth grade. My husband Tim was the Junior High principal at the school our children attended. I worked for a major financial institution. I was in my cubicle at work when people starting passing the word to look at the news online about a plane hitting a building in New York City. Someone went to the control room on our floor and brought the news up on the large screens. Many crowded in that room watching in dead silence at what we were seeing. It was then we saw the second plane hit the other building (later learned to be the second twin tower). People decided to leave the office. I called my husband from work to ask him if he had heard the news. I knew I could not stay at work - who could do any work that day? The mass exodus from the office and the parking deck was a story in itself. With the local radio news on in my car I heard more details. It felt so strange going home. People on the road were even driving more cautiously. When I reached home I was glued to the television the whole day. It was the first time I wished I owned an American Flag! Many months later we purchased one (it was hard to find them after this event).

God Bless America and the loved ones of all those who lost their loved ones!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Grocery Shopping Online

I do not like shopping anywhere for anything. I even hate to go to the grocery store as much as I hate planning a weekly menu. I know some of you are rolling your eyes right now. I have been shopping online for groceries for over a year at Harris Teeter in Charlotte, NC.  If you haven't tried it you should. Yes, there is a small service fee but it is worth it. I actually spend much less shopping online for groceries than when I go to the store. I haven't been a faithful online shopper over the past year but I'm starting to see the benefits. Let me tell you how I use it to my family's budget advantage.

  1. Set a weekly grocery budget
  2. Plan weekly meals using a menu planner
  3. Use coupons only on items you have already planned to use in your menu. (Or plan a menu around the coupons - takes a lot of planning). You won't get your first coupons subtracted from your first order but they will scan and store them to take off your next order.
  4. Just because an item is labeled "buy one / get one free" (at Harris Teeter), doesn't mean you have to get two items. If you buy only one item they subtract half the cost off the one item purchased! I don't know any other store that offers this value.
  5. Schedule online shopping the same day/time of the week.
  6. Stick to the menu!
  7. Stick to the budget!
Since I have been married I have used a menu planner for the week. It helps to plan the meals. Otherwise we over spend or over eat; (go out to eat). It wasn't easy to do this in the first year of marriage. My husband was the only wage earner on a Christian school teacher income (9 months). He managed our budget and allocated $50 per week. It was not hard to stick to that allowance because we didn't have debit cards back then; I carried cash. If the cashier tallied up over $50 I had her remove some items. Yes it was embarrassing but we had to be drastic.

Fast forward to 2011...Grocery shopping online is still new for some and it took several times for me to get adjusted and I know it took them time to get the kinks worked out. But give it a chance and you might find it a time and budget saver.

Once you create a shopper profile online and place your first order a list of all your past purchases is retained so all you have to do is click through the master list. Careful here or you will go off the menu seeing the cookies and ice cream on sale and you'll have clicked a couple more items to be added to your virtual cart. You can see which items are on sale marked in red font and how much an item cost per ounce. You'll even see the specials marked for VIC (very important) customers. You can also change the number of items or delete it altogether. The cart has a tally window so you can see how much you are spending as you shop.

I enjoy having a personal shopper, driving up to the express lane and pressing a button to announce my arrival. My shopper brings the groceries to my car and loads them. I pay for my purchase right from my car! The entire process takes me about one hour (online to pickup). I even get to pick which day and time I want to pick them up. I am less stressed about the entire shopping experience.

No longer do I have to get to the super center before it gets too busy and push a buggy through a crowd of shoppers or zigzag from one end of the store and a mile back to the food section or stand in a long line to pay for my groceries or load the car!

What would you do with more time and money?

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Happy 25th Birthday Paul

Today is my oldest son's 25th birthday and it is more special than the others because we celebrate three years cancer free! Some patient's report a new head of hair after treatment but he was already losing his early on top and never grew any after treatment. He keeps his head shaved.

Happy 25th Birthday Paul!

In 2008, soon after our daughter's wedding, Paul was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. The doctor informed us if there was any kind of cancer to get this would be the type to have because it was more treatable. Life became a blur the last few months of 2008 but we thank God for bringing us through the storm and we are all the better for the experience!

Paul had complained of a sore throat on Mother's Day and I told him to go to the doctor. Soon after, his barber noticed a lump on his neck and told him to have it checked out. He had blood work done but nothing showed up abnormal. He was given an antibiotic anyway. He finished the course of treatment but the lump did not diminish in size, it looked a little larger and it did not hurt. The family doctor then referred him to an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist who did an initial assessment and blood work but nothing showed up. He also gave a course of antibiotic and we waited two weeks. The next visit the ENT performed a biopsy and that was inconclusive. The next step was near Paul's 22nd birthday where he had surgery to remove the lump for further inspection. The doctor said it was the size of a lemon and very difficult to remove, it had wrapped around some of the neck muscle. He removed a few lympnodes to be sent off for further biopsy. We then received a call that he had stage 4 Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma. The cancer was located in the spleen and the neck. The doctor said it is treatable and Paul's chances of recovery were good because of his age - he could tolerate a more aggressive form of Chemo. He was scheduled for his first treatment in October 2008. He had a six course treatment of chemo over 12 weeks (one day of "poison infusion" every two weeks). Cancer has been in remission for three years now and we continue to pray for remission; each year life expectancy is improved.

Below is a note that Paul had posted on his Facebook on Sept 28, 2008 that I want to share here for you to read. He touched our heart and we praise God for another year of life to celebrate His mercy and goodness!

September 28, 2008

So, a lot of people have asked me what my thoughts are on this whole ordeal. So I figured I would post it all in one place for everyone to read. I'll make it as short as possible.

When Dr. Weigel called me and informed me that I had lymphoma and that it was malignant, my lip started to quiver. Then I thought of Philippians 4:4, "Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS, and again I say rejoice." Now, that verse doesn't say rejoice when God is good to you, it says ALWAYS. So I sat back and said to myself, This is unfortunate, but if God is with you there is good in every situation, you just have to look for it. I thought of many good things that have happened in all of this. Now, I won't bore you with all of them, but I will mention a few.

1. I've had no pain, or any type of side effects. Most people that have cancer seem to have some kind of pain, or feel sick. I felt perfectly fine through all of it.
2. God gave me great friends and family to encourage me through everything I have gone through so far. Especially my barber who spotted it.
3. I'm going to heaven no matter what the outcome. (It doesn't get any better than that!)
4. The type of cancer I have is very treatable. I could have been a lot worse.
5. I've had great doctors and nurses.
6. I have a good job that will work with me through all of this.
7. God has kept me optimistic through it all.
.... and the list goes on and on.

Things might not be easy over the next year or so, but God takes care of those He loves (Matthew 6:25-26). It's like my late Grandfather's favorite song says, "Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives all fear is gone. Because I know, He holds the future..." I know that God is Good ALL THE TIME, and all the time God is Good. God is giving me this blessing so I can use it to show others how great and mighty, gracious and merciful, kind and loving He is.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."

Once again, thank you all for all of your prayers and kindness.

Paul Chavel

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Reserved Parking

I sit in the car at shopping centers and read a book while my mother-in-law does her shopping. While I'm waiting I observer all sorts of people who park in "no parking" areas or "special parking" spaces. I live close to a university and the students were back in town and shopping at the closest grocery store. I observed three young males unload out of a large pickup and laughing out loud because they had just parked in a space that was clearly marked "parking reserved for parents with young children"

Just minutes later a young woman parked in the first slot closest to the store clearly marked "special parking". She located her "special parking" tag from the seat and hung it on the mirror. She got out and fixed her hair using the car window as a mirror and walked right in to the store without a care in the world.

It just irks me that people feel they deserve to park in these "special places"!