Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering September 11, 2001

It was Tuesday, September 11, 2001 - a beautiful Carolina blue sky day with crisp temperatures in Charlotte, North Carolina. It started out like a normal school / work week. My oldest daughter Carrie was a senior in high school, Paul was freshman in high school and Joseph was in the fourth grade. My husband Tim was the Junior High principal at the school our children attended. I worked for a major financial institution. I was in my cubicle at work when people starting passing the word to look at the news online about a plane hitting a building in New York City. Someone went to the control room on our floor and brought the news up on the large screens. Many crowded in that room watching in dead silence at what we were seeing. It was then we saw the second plane hit the other building (later learned to be the second twin tower). People decided to leave the office. I called my husband from work to ask him if he had heard the news. I knew I could not stay at work - who could do any work that day? The mass exodus from the office and the parking deck was a story in itself. With the local radio news on in my car I heard more details. It felt so strange going home. People on the road were even driving more cautiously. When I reached home I was glued to the television the whole day. It was the first time I wished I owned an American Flag! Many months later we purchased one (it was hard to find them after this event).

God Bless America and the loved ones of all those who lost their loved ones!

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