Sunday, September 4, 2011

Happy 25th Birthday Paul

Today is my oldest son's 25th birthday and it is more special than the others because we celebrate three years cancer free! Some patient's report a new head of hair after treatment but he was already losing his early on top and never grew any after treatment. He keeps his head shaved.

Happy 25th Birthday Paul!

In 2008, soon after our daughter's wedding, Paul was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. The doctor informed us if there was any kind of cancer to get this would be the type to have because it was more treatable. Life became a blur the last few months of 2008 but we thank God for bringing us through the storm and we are all the better for the experience!

Paul had complained of a sore throat on Mother's Day and I told him to go to the doctor. Soon after, his barber noticed a lump on his neck and told him to have it checked out. He had blood work done but nothing showed up abnormal. He was given an antibiotic anyway. He finished the course of treatment but the lump did not diminish in size, it looked a little larger and it did not hurt. The family doctor then referred him to an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist who did an initial assessment and blood work but nothing showed up. He also gave a course of antibiotic and we waited two weeks. The next visit the ENT performed a biopsy and that was inconclusive. The next step was near Paul's 22nd birthday where he had surgery to remove the lump for further inspection. The doctor said it was the size of a lemon and very difficult to remove, it had wrapped around some of the neck muscle. He removed a few lympnodes to be sent off for further biopsy. We then received a call that he had stage 4 Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma. The cancer was located in the spleen and the neck. The doctor said it is treatable and Paul's chances of recovery were good because of his age - he could tolerate a more aggressive form of Chemo. He was scheduled for his first treatment in October 2008. He had a six course treatment of chemo over 12 weeks (one day of "poison infusion" every two weeks). Cancer has been in remission for three years now and we continue to pray for remission; each year life expectancy is improved.

Below is a note that Paul had posted on his Facebook on Sept 28, 2008 that I want to share here for you to read. He touched our heart and we praise God for another year of life to celebrate His mercy and goodness!

September 28, 2008

So, a lot of people have asked me what my thoughts are on this whole ordeal. So I figured I would post it all in one place for everyone to read. I'll make it as short as possible.

When Dr. Weigel called me and informed me that I had lymphoma and that it was malignant, my lip started to quiver. Then I thought of Philippians 4:4, "Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS, and again I say rejoice." Now, that verse doesn't say rejoice when God is good to you, it says ALWAYS. So I sat back and said to myself, This is unfortunate, but if God is with you there is good in every situation, you just have to look for it. I thought of many good things that have happened in all of this. Now, I won't bore you with all of them, but I will mention a few.

1. I've had no pain, or any type of side effects. Most people that have cancer seem to have some kind of pain, or feel sick. I felt perfectly fine through all of it.
2. God gave me great friends and family to encourage me through everything I have gone through so far. Especially my barber who spotted it.
3. I'm going to heaven no matter what the outcome. (It doesn't get any better than that!)
4. The type of cancer I have is very treatable. I could have been a lot worse.
5. I've had great doctors and nurses.
6. I have a good job that will work with me through all of this.
7. God has kept me optimistic through it all.
.... and the list goes on and on.

Things might not be easy over the next year or so, but God takes care of those He loves (Matthew 6:25-26). It's like my late Grandfather's favorite song says, "Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives all fear is gone. Because I know, He holds the future..." I know that God is Good ALL THE TIME, and all the time God is Good. God is giving me this blessing so I can use it to show others how great and mighty, gracious and merciful, kind and loving He is.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."

Once again, thank you all for all of your prayers and kindness.

Paul Chavel

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