Thursday, September 15, 2011

God! How Much More?

We all ask this question in our "private" world and many more may find themselves asking this question more often these days. The following is a note I journaled years ago.

In the summer of 1996 I spent two weeks with my mother during her recovery from radiation treatment for cancer. The recovery period can prove taxing for the patient as well as the caregiver. It seemed that nothing I did was comforting and the pain could not be lessened but I knew in my heart this was where I needed to be.

During week two of my stay my brother delivered shocking news; our youngest brother had been murdered. I couldn’t believe it. I asked God, “How much more? Wasn’t cancer enough for my mom and our family to endure?”

Not only was it a real test of faith but it was emotionally draining. Our youngest brother was our half brother and his dad, grandmother and relatives didn’t claim our family. We weren’t included in the funeral arrangements or the obituary. My mom wasn’t even recognized as his mother during the funeral; the most devastating thing one could bear. With God’s help we made it through. I don’t have any answers for why God allows tragedies in our lives but I can say with confidence from this and other experiences His grace is sufficient! 2 Corinthians 4:7-18.

What calamity are you experiencing today? No matter what calamity befalls, no matter what emergency arises, His presence is with the believer; helping, encouraging, strengthening, comforting, and giving wisdom. Assured of His grace, we are assured of His power and His rest.

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